Force Tranquille + Euro Hamlet, 2023

Force Tranquille is a series of photographs that I started in 2018 and whose last prints date from 2023. It is a research work around the European question, the photos were taken in Poland (Ostrowiec Sw., Gdansk, Zgorzelec), Northern Ireland (Belfast, Derry Londonderry), France (Paris, Opio) and Germany (Hamburg, Weisswasser). The aim of this work was to find contrasts and parallels in the various microcosms, be they of a cultural, aesthetic or architectural nature. The photographic testimonies tell of snapshots from different countries: Poland under the regime of the far-right PiS party or memories of the IRA organisation in Northern Ireland. In addition to these socio-political aspects, there is also an interplay between documentary and fictional work. Sequences from my theatre production of Euro Hamlet can be found among the clichés of the real characters. Shakespeare's tragedy is conceived as a readymade and set in a factory building in East Germany. The theme is profoundly European and the film I am presenting is the result of the post-production of this performance.

Filip Markiewicz (*1980, Esch­sur­Alzette) 
Lives and works in Hamburg and Luxembourg.

Residencies & grants

2021 Prix Art IN SITU, OAI Luxembourg (LU)
2020 Prix Pierre Werner, CAL Luxembourg (LU)
2019 Bourse Bert­Theis, Luxembourg (LU)
2017 Theater Basel, Basel (CH)
2015 Luxembourg Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale, Venice (IT) 2014 Fondation Biermans­Lapôtre, Paris (FR)

Solo exhibitions (selection)

2023 Liquid Poem, Stadtgalerie Kiel (DE)
2022 Instant Comedy, Konschthal Esch (LU)
2022 Ultrasocial Pop, Haus am Lützowplatz Berlin (DE)
2022 Ultrasocial Pop, Kaunas 2022, Meno Parkas Gallery (LT)
2022 Pictures at an exhibition, mise en scène, Berliner Philharmoniker (DE) 
2022 Hypervolk, mise en scène / performance, Monodrama Festival (LU) 
2021 Euro Hamlet, Installation & Theater Performance, Weisswasser, Lausitz Festival (DE)
2021 Ultrasocial Pop, Live Perfomance, Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin, Auditorium du Louvre, Paris (FR) 2021 Klangkörper, Art In Situ OAI Luxembourg (LU)
2020 Ultraplastik Rhapsody, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest (RO)
2020 Antigone Neuropa, Installation Performance, Staatstheather Cottbus, Lausitz Festival (DE) (in the frame of Filip Markiewicz’s Ultrasocial Pop Project supported by the Bourse Bert­Theis) 
2020 Road to Nowhere, C+N Canepaneri, Milano (IT)
2019 Untitled Surface, Concordia, Enschede (NL)
2019 Celebration Factory IV, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Osnabrück (DE) 
2019 Celebration Factory III, CCA. Londonderry, Derry (UK)