After Arrival, 2023

The After Arrival project is a visual journey through the architecture that surrounds refugees in Luxembourg on their way to citizenship. This journey begins in temporary centres and never really ends. From the moment they lose their refugee status, they become refugees of the housing crisis as they are confronted with the housing market, which becomes the final frontier. My aim is to highlight their ongoing struggle and encourage society to recognise the permanence of this temporality.

Mohammed Zanboa (*1994, Syria) studied architecture at the University of Damascus from 2012 to 2016. At the beginning of 2024, he completed his Master's degree in Architecture with a focus on urbanisation and globalisation in Europe at the University of Luxembourg.

Re-imaging Belval, Kurator / Curator. Screening All Weneed?, MSA Belval, Luxembourg 
From extraction to restitution / Students on display at LUCA, Luxembourg
Simulating Density at Back to Athens 10, Athen (GR)

Prizes and scholarships
Auguste Van Werveke-Hanno Foundation, School scholarship

Instagram : mohammedzanboa