Sophie Margue 
*1990, Luxembourg (L)

Freelance photographer & graphic designer

Specialised studies
Master of Arts in Design, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Basel Bachelor of Arts in Art History & Communication Sciences Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, (1st year degree)
Bachelor of Arts in Media Design, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences for Media and Communication, Munich

Last exhibition
2022 "Rare Reflections" solo exhibition, travelling exhibition Luxembourg City

Description of the artwork
A pale blue sky with white clouds, a lush green meadow, a brown-red brick wall with strange rectangular openings bordering a white wall of a building. In the midst of this unreal scenery, people stand with their heads stretched towards the sun, their eyes partially closed. They seem to fit perfectly into their surroundings and yet one wonders what is happening here, what are these people doing there? The thought of Magritte's surrealist paintings literally comes to mind.