Equivalents, 2023

Equivalents is an artistic confrontation with Stieglitz's work, in which photography and imagination merge. Each photo is a window to worlds in which memories and emotions are interwoven. These images are more than just landscapes, they reflect our states of mind and are visual metaphors for our thoughts. This series creates a link between the concrete and the abstract, between our tangible reality and the worlds we create in our minds.

Cristina Dias de Magalhães (*1979, Luxembourg)
PhD in Visual Arts, Aesthetics and Art Sciences, Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Solo* and group exhibitions (selection)

2023 - The Performing Photobook Exhibition, FORMAT International Photography Festival, Derby (GB) 
2022 - Childhood, Uppsala Fotofestival, Uppsala (SE)
2022 - In situ – paysages, Promenades photographiques, Vendôme (FR) 
2022 - Photobook Exhibition, Athens Photo Festival, Athens (GR)
2021* - Instincts. Same but different, Centre d’Art Nei Liicht, Dudelange et Parc de Merl, Luxembourg (LU) 
2020 - New Visions on contemporary photography, Photo festival Imago Lisboa, Lisbonne (PT)
2020 - Ode à Gaïa, Salon Turbulences, Galerie 24Beaubourg, Paris (FR) 
2019  - Moi. Maman. Mother., Fellner Louvigny, Luxembourg (LU)
2019* - Embody, Mois européen de la Photographie, Neimënster, Luxembourg (LU)

Publications, monographs
2022 - Instincts. Same but different, Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg (DE) 
2019 - Embody, livre d’artiste (édition limitée)
2016 - Vu(es) de dos. La photographie – espace d’identité et de création, L’Harmattan, Paris (FR)
2006 - Entre ombres et lumières, Galerie Clairefontaine, Luxembourg (LU)

Awards and distinctions 
2021 - Bourse CNA – Aide à la création et à la diffusion en photographie (LU) 
2005 - Lauréate du festival Ici et Demain, Paris (FR)
