Versuch, die Leiter zu ersteigen, 2023

The series Versuch, die Leiter zu ersteigen is a collection of free, intuitive works by Belgian photographer Willi Filz. During several trips to Georgia, he allowed himself to be inspired by everyday motifs, free from commissions and artistic constraints and without any concept - in search of a current and contemporary definition of travel photography. His personal vision and sensitivity determine his choice of motifs, which are often far from the main attractions - somewhere out of the way, in the everyday, in the accessory. The images take on an unexpected power. Between play, memory and death, inner connections open up between the motifs and the viewer.

Willi Filz (*1962, Eupen, Belgium) is a freelance photographer and artist. For over 30 years, he has been the photographic accompanist for the Agora theatre company (St. Vith). Among other things, he is the official ambassador for the 2008 European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. In October 2023, he was awarded the Special Prize for the photograph Frau mit Huhn at the Ilo photography festival in Kutaissi, Georgia. In November 2023, the photo publication Camino, published by Kerber, was presented in Paris at the ParisPhoto fair. His projects have been presented both nationally and internationally.